Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ultrasound page

I finally had time to put together the ultrasound page for my son's scrapbook. Ultrasound appointments were my favorite OB visits during pregnancy. Every ultrasound visit was filled with so many feelings...anxious, excited and impatience! The first ultrasound was at 13 weeks. I remember being able to see his tiny legs moving fast on the screen! I was unable to get any sleep the night before the 2nd ultrasound. I was 20 weeks pregnant and that was the appointment where we would find out the baby's gender! I was up all night, tossing and turning. My gut feeling told me I was having a boy. I can't explain how I knew, but I just knew. His ultrasound photos were incredible--his face structure was outlined so clearly. The 3rd ultrasound was at 33 weeks and honestly, I had no clue what the pics were of. He was measuring big and I know it's cramped in the womb already so I was just happy that he was growing normally.

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