Monday, February 6, 2012

Alex is 3 months old!

My adorable baby boy is growing so fast! So fast that he could barely fit into his blazer for his monthly picture. I found this Baby GAP blazer at a thrift store for $3! I kept saving it for when he could finally fit into it or for a special occasion and now I waited too long that this is sadly the only time he will get to wear it! But atleast I got some cute photos from it!

At 3 months, he is babbling a lot more and louder as well! I love to hear him 'talk'. He has also started playing with his hands, putting them in his mouth and grabbing/pulling things (like my hair!). I can also see two tiny teethes starting to appear on his lower front gum line, which I assume is causing his to drool like crazy! He is very playful and active little baby!

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