Friday, February 3, 2012

Two months scrapbook page

My son is turning 3 months next week and I've just now finished with his 2 months scrapbook page. I've been a little behind. I thought I could work on his pages while he naps but I find myself doing other stuff like cleaning, organizing his stuff, catching up on blogs etc. I still have his cookie monster page to complete and will post that when I'm satisfied with it.

For this 2 months page, I went with a Charlie Brown theme since it's what he wore the day I took his picture. I love that shirt on him. I found it at a thrift store while I was pregnant. I took those photos during his 2 month checkup visit. He had to get his first set of shots that day. Poor baby. He developed a fever hours after we left the doctor. However infant Tylenol and a heating pad on his legs helped him get through it.

I was able to find the Peanuts embellishments on eBay for way cheaper than at the craft stores. Thank goodness for eBay. The clouds and grass were hand cut by me!

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